In order for Shimizu Port, which celebrated its 120th anniversary, to make a leap forward, considering changes in the global situation such as shipping and logistics and various issues surrounding Shimizu Port, it is not an extension of the past, but the 4th. In anticipation of technological innovation by AI and IoT, which is called the industrial revolution, we have formulated the "Shimizu Port Long-Term Concept" to show the future image of Shimizu Port in about 20 years.


"Future goals of Shimizu Port" are the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially "4 High-quality education for everyone", "8 Rewarding work and economic growth", and "9 Industry and technological innovation". "Let's build a foundation for", "11. Create a town where people can continue to live", "14. Protect the abundance of the sea", and "17. Let's achieve the goal through partnership".