Your behavior now would save everyone's lives. Please come visit again at the Shimizu Port after the COVID-19 crisis.
How are you spending the Golden week holidays? This is a crucial timing for the world and ourselves to prevent from the infection of the COVID-19.
No fishing and playing around the beaches and parks in the Port of Shimizu are advised for a certain period. Beaches, public parks, and parking lots around these public areas in the Port of Shimizu have been temporally closed due to the declaration of a state of emergency in view of this rapidly evolving situation of the COVID-19 since 23 of April, 2020. Residents and non-residents especially crossing border from other prefecture are strongly advised not to enter and use these facilities. We would be much appreciated for your cooperation.
Please stay home and stay healthy. We would like to welcome you all again after this severe situation.
Norifumi Ikegaya, Executive Director of Port of Shimizu
Restriction areas (public parks, beaches, parking lots)
Parks in Okitsu areas (Shin-okitsu ryokuchi park, Okitsu multipurpose ground, etc) and their parking lots |
closed |
closed | |
Shimizu Marine Park (※Managed by the Hinode Marine Park) |
restricted |
restricted |
【For Foreigners 】外国人の方へ(がいこくじんのかたへ)
清水港管理局長 池ケ谷規文
【For further infromation】
〇The Shizuoka Prefectural Government has been released multilingual updates about the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus folllowing site.
〇外国人のみなさんへ【For Foreigners】<English/Português/Filipino/Other Languages/やさしい日本語(にほんご)>
〇You can also check the updates on ShizuokaPrefecture official Facebook pages.